Monday, July 27, 2009

A few ideas

Cards worth five dozen free eggs that get punched with each dozen. Printed on HOMEMADE paper (so they can't be replicated), we can give them out in lieu of legal tender to willing people who would otherwise ask money for goods and services. Maybe we could do this more broadly to take money out of the equation to a greater degree.

Bring ducks into the vineyard when we want plants to grow between the rows, and chickens when we want to till. Would this mean moving birds around in crates?

Shrink the acreage at Patuxent grazed (managed) by a very small number of goats by moving them from Patuxent to the vineyard and back again, with stops along the way to provide goatly services...for dough? Moving them would probably be a bad idea as a long term solution but it might soften the learning curve so that we could learn from the variety that the goats chose from in the different places as we try to provide balanced browse in one place.

2Ways to start graze/browse use of open area
-Take walks with goats every day, all around the area, including woods. Observe feeding patterns
-Start high-density grazing, even with two animals, and watch the grass as much as the animals. I am led to believe the pasture's behavior will change. We should allow greater pasture growth to lead adding animals. Instead of struggling to provide enough forage, we should be needing to figure out what to do with it all.

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