Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Robert Kennedy Jr. and Pigs

2 plans:

Pigs would probably be the third or fourth animal family on the farm, following almost certainly a milk-bearer, either goat or cow. I need to find out more about rotation and stock density, not to mention pig nutrition and whey fattening. This last one is the primary reason it seems indispensable to keep hogs if one is trying to make cheese. After all this time I don't have a clear idea of how to make sure I have enough of the correct food to keep the animals happy. Maybe its that I haven't grown grass before, outside of the cover crop last year, which seemed quite happy. To be fair I haven't read a manual on that yet. Ought to get a grazing book today and close that gap. It's clear enough that making good soil is how to grow everything else. On the other end of the spectrum, I just read a piece written by Robert Kennedy Jr. to the people of Poland regarding Smithfield Pork's incursion there:

I got a call to be in the Playwrights Foundation Festival, which has been brought almost as much good stuff as the Mime Troupe. I'd miss too much class to make rehearsal. Too bad, it would be a good cap on things in SF. Made me think one more time about doing theater in MD, DC, and farmside.

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