Thursday, June 4, 2009

Just to get things moving

Class starts between the 11th and 22nd of this month depending on whether a class called "Dams to Greywater" is offered. The farms are all but transferred to Chelsea and it looks like next week will be my last week on rounds. I'm trying to spend the time making up class as I go along and spend time convincing myself that watching videos and scouring for farm/ecology resources online qualify as productive work.

I'll post books and articles I read or saw.
the fight against foreign acquisition of farmland.
it appears rising industrial powers are leaping to buy land in africa to feed them
A 10' by 10' plot of wheat will grow 10-25 loaves of bread and produce a huge amount of compost material. It's less demanding of nutrients than most vegetables...Ive never tried milling in a blender or food processor but they say it's a breeze. Zing!

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